

How does an individual start receiving Community Residential Services (support for daily living in a “group” home) with SCS?

If a family feels it may be appropriate or necessary for a loved one to receive Residential Services, it is essential to discuss the concern with a case manager (social worker) from the county in which the individual resides.  The family and the social worker should discuss the needs of the individual at length and perhaps complete a screening process which helps determine which services would most benefit the individual and the level of services for which the individual qualifies.  After this is determined, the social worker can fully inform the family of the range of services available and the variety of human service agencies from which the family can choose.

Once the agency (such as Synstelien Community Services) is chosen, a referral must be made by the county social worker to the agency for the particular service.  After pertinent information concerning the individual is reviewed by the agency, the agency makes a determination as to whether they can effectively provide the service requested.  If so, the referral is accepted by the agency and the county social worker authorizes the services by completing a service agreement.  Then, the agency begins the process of initiating services with the participation of the family and the social worker.  Service Initiation includes the completion of assessments and a number of documents, all of which are essential for safeguarding the well-being of the individual being served.  This process may take several weeks to complete, or, in the case of urgent need, could possibly be completed in a few days.  Ideally, the agency, family and social worker will work together to complete Service Initiation in a manner which best serves the needs of the individual, and the individual can move into their new home according to a time-line which most benefits them.

Who qualifies to receive Community Residential Services from SCS?
A disability is often a criteria for Community Residential Services.  Other disability-related issues are also considered.  Discuss this question with a county Human Services Social Worker; they are able to review with you all the possibilities for services to meet your needs.

What is it like to live in a home of Synstelien Community Services?
The experience is unique for each individual – because each individual is unique!  It means many things to all clients, but there are important basic values which SCS seeks to assure for each client.  Some of those values are:

  • The pride and self-esteem which every adult gains from living in my own home.
  • Having personal, private space which is uniquely my own.
  • Being assured of the protection of my rights.
  • Having significant opportunities to enjoy activities and experiences in my community.
  • Learning new skills and being appreciated for my potential.

How much will I be able to be involved with my child/family member if they were to begin receiving group home services from SCS?

When your adult child receives services in an SCS residence, it’s an opportunity for you, as parents, to experience more of a “normal” relationship with your disabled adult child.  He/she can be thrilled by having mom and dad come to visit them in their own home.  Clients also look forward to opportunities to go visit parents or other family members for weekends, holidays, or other special occasions – just like other adults who have their own home.  A family’s level of involvement is truly determined by the level of interest, motivation, or ability of those involved in each situation.  SCS welcomes and supports the involvement of all persons who have a caring relationship with a client.

Why is it so important for an adult with disabilities to be able to live in a place they can call their own?
Each person, regardless of ability, has a deep-seated need for independence and accomplishment.  It is “normal” for the relationship between parents and their child to change and grow when the child becomes an adult.  An adult child with disabilities needs the same affirmation and encouragement from their parents as a “typical” adult child.  When an adult child with disabilities moves from their parent’s home, the parent is able to redirect their energies from a daily care giving role (parent/child) to the supportive, affirming advocate role (adult/adult).  This new dimension to the relationship is powerfully validating for the adult child with disabilities.  There is no way to measure the value of your role in your adult child’s life.  He/she needs you – not just as caregiver, but as a parent who is supportive of their independence and potential.  When you afford your child the opportunity to discover their potential, you empower them to achieve it!  Often, family members have been amazed at the wonderful personal growth and skills achievements which have resulted from pride and self-esteem experienced by an adult child with disabilities, simply because they now have their own home – just like all adults!

Shouldn’t the parent of an adult child with disabilities be strong enough to care for him/her indefinitely – for the rest of their life?
It is also important and beneficial for the parents of an adult child with disabilities to allow that relationship to mature and expand.  The self-sacrificing lifestyle of the parent of a child with disabilities is demanding and exhausting.  It can be ruthless in its detrimental impact on other important relationships, as well as physical and emotional health.  It is natural for a parent to tirelessly invest many years into the life of their child; and a child with disabilities requires a significantly increased investment.  However, it is also natural for that role to evolve from caregiver to supportive peer.  Not completing that role transition, and continuing as an eternal caregiver can be emotionally painful and detrimental to a healthy lifestyle for the parent.  The adult child with a disability needs strong, healthy members in their support network.  To illustrate this point – when traveling on an airplane, before takeoff, the flight crew reviews the safety instructions pertaining to the “unlikely event of loss of cabin pressure”.  Travelers are instructed as follows:  “Parents should first place the mask in position on their own face, then help children as needed”.  The airline industry understands that responsible caregivers keep themselves healthy, so they can more effectively support those who are needy.

What is “Respite Care”?
See our “Respite Care” page.

Is SCS licensed and/or credentialed?
Synstelien Community Services is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (MN DHS) to provide residential-based Home and Community-based Services, as well as Corporate Adult Foster Care.

Could I tour an SCS home?
Absolutely!  Please contact us to make an appointment to visit one or more of our homes.

Why should I choose Synstelien Community Services?

You shouldn’t choose any agency until you interview them thoroughly, visit their homes, speak with some of the care givers, or talk with other families who have loved ones who receive services. You should choose to receive services from Synstelien Community Services because you trust us.  It is essential that you have confidence in our care giving skills, integrity, and professionalism.  Those items are critical when you decide to choose the agency which will have such an incredible impact upon the life of someone for which you care deeply.  Contact us if you would like to explore any of these opportunities.